It's really easy! Click on 'GET STARTED' on the home page and follow the instructions to register your account. After setting up your account, you will receive a confirmation email.
Username and password is all you need to complete your registration on the Merchant Portal. Your email address will serve as you USERNAME, and you will be prompted to set up a PASSWORD of your choice. Your login details will be confirmed by our Merchant Support & Customer Success teams. For full access and merchant registration, see below
No, you will require CIC, CAC 2 and CAC7 to complete the process. Full KYC documentation and risk assessment will be completed before your Merchant registration is completed and your service/s activated on the portal
Yes, Federal Government valid identification card
Log into your merchant account to view/manage your transactions. You will be able to set up your different services (think of it like an 'app') and complete the service configuration
You will specify your nominated settlement bank account details during the Merchant registration process. The Merchant settlement account is fully configurable on the Merchant Portal and your user access allows you to change your nominated settlement account according to your business requirements
T+1 and Instant settlement (for direct bank debit and card payments)
Kindly click on the forgot password, input your email address a link will be sent to your email to retrieve your password.
Bank, Airtime and Card
Your account number and pin
Your card number, cvv and pin
Your phone number
Yes, the limit will adviced by merchant. Your transfer limited is also determined by the restrictions you have set your nominated personal bank account settings. This can be changed by calling your bank to adjust the transfer limit.